However, Don't forget to check out our Top Rated Fonts to have an idea on what is trending. The best website for free high-quality KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular fonts, with 29 free KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular fonts for immediate download, and 7 professional KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular fonts for the best price on the Web. If you want your designs and messages in Arabic writing style, we suggest no other arabic font than KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS Regular. The digitally signed machine readable Typeface(Font) licensed to you. This was the sole reason why Qur'an available today in front of us, is also referred as Uthmanic Codex. KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS Regular arabic font is one of the most beloved and downloaded arabic font in this website and all around the world. However, with the growth of Islamic Empire, and there was some misconception and irregularities due to differing recitations, the Quran was recompiled for better understanding and uniformity in message delivery and in recitation under the direction and supervision of the third Caliph - Uthman ibn Affan. Project name of this font is UthmanTahaNaskh-Bold.
Historically as per Islamic tradition, the offerings and stories and lessons of Qur'an was first colated and compiled into a book type format by Zayd ibn Thabit and other Scribes under the supervision and guidance of first Caliph - Abu Bakr Siddiq. This font is compatible for powerpoint presentations and designs as well, you can simply download this font and use it in your presentations. Uthman Taha Naskh Bold is most popularused font in the State of Pakistan.

If you study about the history of Arabic Scripts, Fonts and Calligraphy and map the timelines with the history of Qur'an, you will find the cultural significance of this Font. Try to run the apps again and wait for database initialization to finish before you press any button 2.KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS Regular as the name suggests is commonly acknowledged as the script or calligraphy which was adopted while drafting or writing Qur'an.
Go to Setting - Application - Manage Application- Al Quran by Word, select clear data button, and exit from setting. Download KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh font / UthmanTN1Ver06.zip / UthmanTN1Ver06.otf for free, availble for windows and mac in truetype and opentype format. Try This if the apps failed on your device. because it extracting a quite large database on the device. Troubleshooting = The most problem happen usually on first time the application run. If you have application crashes experience due to the lack of your device memory, close and restart the application once again after cleaning some running applications that consumes your device memory. When the database extraction is complete, translation button will shown, and you'll be able to run the apps smoothly. please be patient to wait for the completion of the process to finish, do not force close the apps. Thank you for using the apps :) Attention !!! = When running the application for the first time, Al Quran by word database will be extracted to your device, it will take a while (1-2 minutes, depends on your device condition) on the process because the database used is quite large, with complete 3 Al Quran arabic text, 3 Indonesian translation, and 3 English translation, and also word by words translation per language. Features: - Font Resize Selector (New) - Complete Alquran with translation by words and verses - Translation is available in 2 languages, English and Indonesian - No limitation on surah and verses search - Share ayat / verses to other apps, such as copy paste, whatsapp, line, BBM, etc - Clean and easy to use user interface - The database is directly installed to your gadget, no need to be connected to internet to access the Al Quran by Words Translation I hope this apps will be usefull for you all, don't be hesitate to share this apps if you find it very usefull. KFGQPCUthmanTahaNaskh KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Kfghk Athman Th Nskh KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Kfghk Athman Th Nskh. To make easy the understanding of Al Quran, it is very good to understand the verse and also the word by words translation. The secret of Al Quran, is often hidden on the basic words understanding. **Attention** = For best font rendering, Please use folowing Quran text and Font combination: - Quran Indopak -> Font Noorehira - Quran Simple -> Font KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh - Quran Uthmani -> Font Scheherazade = Many times, Al Quran regular "by verses" translation have a very different meaning with Al Quran "by words" translation.